ENT, one of the oldest departments not only in SRHU but also in the state of Uttarakhand, is the first to start postgraduate (MS) programme in the subject, in 2002, in the state. Besides Post Graduate programs, Undergraduate trainings are delivered under the guidance of an expert and dedicated faculty. Department also provides services to the patients from Uttarakhand and neighbouring states.
There is a methodical, well-planned curriculum, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, with a good exposure to students through a variety of cases both in the outpatient and inpatient settings. The undergraduates get acquainted with various aspects of ENT by rotatory postings in Outpatient Department (OPD), Operating theatre (OT), wards and Audio-Vestibular labs. Daily bedside teaching is done by the consultants and residents along with the regular academic schedule in the form of lectures.
The post graduate students benefit from an Endoscopic OPD setup and a well-equipped temporal bone laboratory for hands-on training for different surgeries.
Third year residents are also given an opportunity to perform basic surgeries under the supervision of consultants. By the end of the residency period, the student is well-trained to handle OPD patients, manage ENT emergencies, and carry out basic surgeries. Regular classes are held, and the students are encouraged to present seminars accompanied with a healthy discussion. The department encourages the faculty & students alike to conduct research for which it provides a well-stocked library containing the latest reference books and many indexed international & national journals along with data of the patients. Ours is a tertiary referral center in the state for complicated and complex ENT surgeries. Apart from routine ear, nose, throat and head and neck surgeries we perform Endoscopic Skull base procedures (for CSF rhinorrhoea, Pituitary adenoma excision), advance Microear surgery for Cochlear Implants, Stapedectomy, Canal atresia, Facial nerve decompression) major head and neck cases like Laryngectomy, Maxillectomy, Parotidectomy, Thyroidectomy, parapharyngeal tumours, Phonosurgery for Voice disorder and cosmetic procedure like Rhinoplasty. Apart from that, we routinely handle cases of Laryngotracheal and facial trauma CO2 laser surgical facility available in department as well.
The department has a Rehabilitation Unit of Speech & hearing (RUSH) equipped with state of art equipment’s for audiological & Speech language evaluation such as: Double channel diagnostic audiometer, Immittance audiometer, V.N.G. set-up, ABR & OAE equipment, Provision for Cochlear implant surgery & rehabilitation. The RUSH unit has a team of experienced Audiology & Speech Language Pathology facility and staff to render services to stakeholders with communication disorders.

Qualifications : MBBS, MS (ENT)
Designation : Professor & Head
Teaching Experience : 20.2 years
Publications : 160
Special Interest : Otology and Head Neck Surgery
Awards: Multiple Awards

Qualifications : MBBS, MS (ENT)
Designation : Professor
Teaching Experience : 12 years
Publications : 05
Special Interest : Micro Ear Surgery & Endoscopy Sinus Surgery

Qualifications : MBBS, MS (ENT), DNB (ENT), DHM
Designation : Associate Professor
Teaching Experience : 11.10 years
Publications : 38
Special Interest : Head & Neck Surgery, Medical Education

Qualifications : MBBS, MS (ENT)
Designation : Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience : 10.11 years
Publications : 03
Special Interest : Head & Neck Surgery and Rhinology

Qualifications : MBBS, MS (ENT), DND, Fellowship in Phonosurgery and Co2 Laser Training
Designation : Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience : 06 years
Publications : 07
Special Interest : Laryngology and Phonosurgery
Awards : Multiple Awards
Qualifications : BASLP, MASLP
Designation : Assistant Professor (Audiology & Speech Therapy)
Teaching Experience : 12 years
Publications : 03
Special Interest : Rehabilitation Audiology, Paediatric Audiology, Cochlear Implant, Paediatric Speech language pathology & autism.
Qualifications : BASLP, MASLP
Designation : Lecturer (Audiology & Speech Therapy)
Teaching Experience : 01
Publications : 03
Special Interest : Cochlear Implant, Diagnostic Audiology, Aphasic, vestibular evaluation
Qualifications : BASLP, MASLP
Designation : Lecturer (Audiology & Speech Therapy)
Teaching Experience : 01
Publications : 02
Special Interest : Aphasia, Diagnostic Audiology, vestibular evaluation, electrophysiology.