Alumni meet held at Dept. of Pathology, Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, SRHU

Titled MILAN 2023, a special gathering of alumni was held at the Department of Pathology, SRHU Jollygrant, on 7th August, wherein former students met in a spirit of rare camaraderie. They laughed and shed tears of joy and remembered good old times when they were students. Friends and batchmates met again after years and talked and rekindled memories of those golden years when they were full of hopes and aspirations. It felt like a big family reunion, full of happiness and bonhomie. They shared their experiences and gave each other strength for the future. MILAN 2023 shows that the connections made in the past are strong and will always remain special. It was indeed time to feel proud and inspired by the history of Dept. of Pathology of which they will always remain an integral part.