Himalayan School of Yoga Sciences, SRHU organizes lecture on quality enhancement in Learning for skill development
With the aim of helping students amplify skills to accomplish academic and career goals, the 'Himalayan School of Yoga Science' at Swami Rama Himalayan University organized a guest lecture on the theme “Enhancing Quality in Learning for Skill Development and Employment.” The session was steered by Dr. Pradeep Kumar Varshney, Director of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
Dr. Varshney underlined the significance of research and experimental skills in the field of Yoga and their role in enhancing employability. He shared valuable insights on integrating theoretical studies with practical knowledge to enrich students' learning experiences. The lecture aimed to inspire students to actively pursue opportunities such as research, internships, and skill-building initiatives to augment their career prospects.
Dr. Varshney highlighted that today's job market demands not only academic knowledge but also practical expertise, making skill development an essential aspect of education.
The event was well-attended by faculty members. The session provided a rich learning experience for all attendees, shedding light on the importance of skill development in students' academic and professional journeys.
The initiative was well appreciated for offering valuable insights and competitive edge. It effectively underlined the significance of symbiotic connect between employability and advanced skill sets.