International Midwives Day observed at Himalayan College of Nursing, Jolly Grant

International Midwives Day observed at Himalayan College of Nursing, Jolly Grant

Speakers emphasized on the crucial role of midwives in healthcare

Various events were organized at the Himalayan College of Nursing (HCN), Jolly Grant on International Midwives Day. During this, speakers provided detailed information to nursing students on the role of midwives in healthcare.

A symposium was held in the auditorium of Swami Rama Himalayan University (SRHU) Jolly Grant's Nursing College. The chief guest, obstetrics, and gynaecology specialist Dr. Ruchira Nautiyal, addressed the nursing students, stating that midwives are healthcare professionals who assist in maintaining the health and safety of mothers and children before, during, and after childbirth. Dr. Sanchita Pugazhendi, Principal of HCN's Nursing College, mentioned that according to WHO, 9 million more nurses and midwives will be needed by 2030 for universal health coverage. She noted that the role of midwives in implementing national health programs, including safe motherhood, is commendable. International Midwives Day is celebrated worldwide each year to express gratitude towards these women. During this event, community health workers Geeta Krishali and Premlata shared their experiences. The event was also attended by Dr. Kanchan Bala, Dr. Kamli Prakash, Upma George, Reena Habil, Jaibunisha, Dr. Harleen Kaur, Eimon Chanu, Lakshmi Kumar, Atul, Shama Parveen and Poonam Yadav.

Additionally, the Literary Committee of Himalayan College of Nursing celebrated World Red Cross Day. During this event, students performed poems, speeches, and plays. The Principal Dr. Sanchita Pugazhendi mentioned that Nobel Peace Prize laureate Henry Dunant founded the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). May 8, 1828, marks Henry's birth, and this day is celebrated as Red Cross Day to spread his ideas worldwide. The World Red Cross Society is known for aiding people during food shortages, natural disasters, wars, and pandemics. Preeti Prabha, the chairperson of the Literary Committee, reported that 142 B.Sc nursing students participated in the event. Heena Negi and Anupama were also present at the occasion.

In its concerted Department of Adult Health Nursing, HCN, celebrated World Asthma Day focusing on the theme "Asthma Education Empowers." Dr. Rakhee Khanduri, Head of Pulmonary Department, SRHU delivered a special lecture. Discussions covered asthma's pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria, and medical management in an interactive session.

Empowering Care through Forensic Nursing: Insights from HCN Seminar

Empowering Care through Forensic Nursing: Insights from HCN Seminar

Himalayan College of Nursing, in collaboration with the Department of Forensic Medicine at Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, organized a seminar on 'Forensic Nurse: The Empowered Caregiver'. The guest speaker of honor, Dr. Srinivas, Director and Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, highlighted the crucial role of forensic nurses in bridging the gap between medical care and the legal system. Organizing Chair and Principal of HCN, Dr. Sanchita Pugazendi, provided an overview of the symposium, emphasizing the significant role of forensic nurses in evidence collection, crisis intervention management, and specialized medical care for patients experiencing physical and mental trauma. Forensic experts, Dr. Ashish Bhute from AIIMS, Rishikesh, and Dr. Pragya Tripathi from HIMS, discussed various techniques to assess and analyze both living and deceased persons. Dr. Grace Madonna Singh and Ms. Preeti Prabha from College of Nursing presented on consultation techniques and the various roles of forensic nurses. Organizing Secretary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma, warmly welcomed all participants and speakers, emphasizing the importance of forensic nurses in India. Co-Chairman Dr. Sanjoy Das, HCN Vice Principal Dr. Kamali Prakash, Dr. Kanchan Bala, and Mrs. Lakshmi Kumar were also present during the seminar.

National Science Day observed at Swami Rama Himalayan University

National Science Day was celebrated at the Swami Rama Himalayan University, Jollygrant with fervour.

28th February is commemorate as national science day to celebrate the discovery of “Raman Effect” by Sir C V Raman for which he was conferred the Nobel Prize in 1930.

The Government of India in 1986 decided to celebrate the day as National Science Day starting in 1987. The Raman Effect is a ground-breaking revelation, which transformed the understanding of light and matter interaction.

On this day, theme-based science communication activities are carried out all over the country in schools, colleges, and Universities. There is a theme each year that serves as a testament to India’s scientific prowess, a reminder of the transformative impact of ground-breaking discoveries. The theme for 2024 as announced by the Minister for Science & Technology Dr. Jitendra Singh is “Indigenous Technologies for Viksit Bharat” which underscores India’s dedication to innovation and self-sufficiency in science and technology.

At the SRHU, the Chief guest Dr. Vijendra D Chauhan, Director General, (AD), SRHU gave a birds-eye view on the inception of the Hospital, Medical College, Nursing Schools and many sister schools which collectively make a complete teaching, patient service and research Ecosystem. He elaborated on latest research developments at the SRHU including indigenous technologies that cover all ground-level healthcare interventions being used in OPDs and through Rural Institute in the community.

All tools for early diagnosis, preventive strategies, Poshan Diet, reduced neonatal mortality, TB treatments, agriculture technologies for food processing; Herbal Gardens, Food loss prevention, Safe water, environmental safety, etc. include simple but impactful technologies. He explained that SRHU is planning to set up a few Centres of Excellence where state-of-the-art research would be undertaken.

He elaborated upon the new Innovation Centre inviting start-ups; and MoUs with leading Research Institutions that can build core strengths in translation and applied research. He urged researchers, faculties, and the HODs to improve in-house research in various schools; apply for intramural grants; and write focused extra-mural projects.

SRHU organized parallel events including a Quiz, Posters, and Rangoli competition amongst seven academic units of SRHU in collaboration with the Himalayan School of Bioscience to encourage students towards evolving technologies on the current theme of National Science Day. Prizes were distributed to the winners of the competition. Cash prizes were awarded to the winners of the Quiz that was sponsored by the NASI, Uttarakhand chapter under the Chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor Dr RajendraDobhal. For the University Faculty and Researchers, a Research Conclave was held wherein research proposals for seed money were invited and shortlisted. A total of forty such short research proposals were received and many shortlisted for award of seed money.

HCN Jolly Grant & University of Wisconsin Oshkosh USA, launch cleanliness programme

HCN Jolly Grant & University of Wisconsin Oshkosh USA, launch cleanliness programme

Dehradun, 16 Jan: Himalayan College of Nursing (HCN), Jolly Grant, and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO), USA, and PEN-India School, Bhaniyawala, organised an awareness camp on dental and physical hygiene. The students gave information to the children about dental hygiene, physical hygiene and healthy diet through posters and skits.

On Tuesday, under the guidance of Dr Sanchita Pugazhendi, Principal of Himalayan College of Nursing, Jolly Grant, a 10-member nursing student team from UWO, USA reached PEN-India School, Bhaniyawala. The students of the school welcomed the American nursing students by presenting the national flag. After this, nursing students from UWO, America gave information about physical hygiene and eating habits to the children through posters and drama. They created awareness about dental hygiene through models and later distributed stationery items including toothbrush, toothpaste and fruits to all the children of the school.

On behalf of PEN-India Foundation, Co-Founder Santosh Budakoti informed the nursing students about the social welfare work being done by the Foundation and also presented them a smiley token. Heidi Hansen and Dr Maria Graf, Senior Nursing Faculty of UWO, described the welcome with the Indian national flag as a matter of pride. PIF Founder Anoop Rawat expressed his gratitude to the students for organising the health and awareness camp. HCN faculty Atul Chaudhary, school teachers Deepalika Negi, Ritu Sharma, Deepali Topwal, Nirmala Gusain, Seema Chauhan, etc., helped in making the camp successful.

On the same day the team visited homes in Kaluwala area and spread the message of health and hygiene. Present on the occasion were nursing faculty Dr Kamli Prakash, Chandan Kumar, John Davidson, Diksha Joshi and many nursing students