A one day National Seminar was organized by Himalayan School of Yoga Science on the topic ‘Social restructuring through Yoga’, a topic most relevant to contemporary times.
The seminar was held under the joint aegis of Swami Rama Himalayan University and Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi on 20 July 2020 at the Nursing Auditorium of the University.
At seminar commenced with the lighting of the lamp by Pro Vice Chancellor, Dr Vijendra Chauhan.
The keynote speaker of the seminar, Dr. Ishwar Bharadwaj, Dean Academic Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, delivered an array of lectures on subjects related to social restructuring through yogic methodology.
He underlined that if we follow Yama and Niyama in our life, then we are bound to help in creating a civilized society.
Dr.Vijendra Chauhan delivered a detailed lecture on holistic health and yoga and he laid special emphasis on the scientific side of Yoga.
Professor Vikram Singh of Jawaharlal Nehru University conducted a detailed discussion on social reconstruction through yoga as described in the Bhagwat Gita.
Dr. Sunil Kumar Srivas, Assistant Professor at Sri Guru Ram Rai University enlightened the audience on the meditative aspects of Yoga.
Dr. Som Lata Jha, Head of Himalayan School of Yoga Sciences, elaborated upon the importance of Asana and Pranayama in modern life, especially social reconstruction.
A large number of representatives from various other universities participated in the seminar.
Several researchers presented research papers. The presentation by a research scholar from AIIMS Rishikesh was much appreciated.
The paper presentation session was chaired by Dr. Vikram Singh, while the seminar was conducted by Dr Ram Narayan Mishra. As many as 150 participants attended this seminar.