Yoga is the ideal way of life: Dr Vijay Dhasmana
The advantages of Yoga are tremendous. Yoga is not merely a series of Asanas, but a ‘Way of Life.’ It is a coming together of body, mind and soul.
Dr Vijay Dhasmana, VC Swami Rama Himalayan University reiterated the above, at the fifth orientation program of Himalayan School of Yoga Sciences, SRHU held on 7th September.
While addressing the newly admitted students in the B.Sc. in Yoga Course, he emphasized that a life lived in congruence with the ‘Ethics of Yoga’ involves a change in our attitudes, habits, diets, and thoughts to arrive at a state of equanimity and inner peace.
“Yoga teaches us to keep the body fit, and the mind calm. Practitioners of Yoga can live a Yogic Lifestyle, which is holistic in the truest sense. Yoga means a ‘union’. Through Yoga a practitioner can achieve the union of breath and body, the mind and muscles and most importantly union of the self to the divine,” he pronounced.
More and more individuals are recognizing the ability of Yoga to boost our energy levels considerably. “Yoga in today’s frenzied lifestyle is a real savior,” he added. “Simple asanas and pranayams can help us overcome everyday ailments and problems. And all this can happen in a very uncomplicated and undemanding environment.”
He explained to the students that, “Yoga is the path through which the most impossible of achievements are possible. Only the individuals have to reach out and allow ‘Yoga’ to impact his or her life,” he pronounced. “Yog is a divine science which is available to one and all, free of cost. Those who practice Yoga carry the Yug with them, which means that they carry the environs with them. Students particularly can learn disciple, time management and the like through regular practice. ”
Later information relating to SRHU’s policies, objectives, and its spiritual history was provided to the students.
Dr Vineet Malhotra provided information on the anti-ragging policy.
Dr. Som Lata Jha, Head of Himalayan School of Yoga Sciences, apart from interacting with the family members of the students, introduced them to faculty members.
Present on the occasion was Registrar Dr. Susheela Sharma apart from faculty members.