Postgraduate Program

Master of Hospital Administration (MHA)

The program aims at developing knowledge and skills on management and administration of healthcare facilities. Students are trained in Hospital Operations, Hospital Policies, Quality Assurance, Public Health, Basic Medical Sciences, Healthcare Marketing and Hospital Information System etc.

This program is designed to give students an exposure to various departments of the Hospital. Students receive training, guidance and mentoring from the competent and practicing faculty in the Himalayan Hospital.

The program prepares you to assume the responsibilities of Executive/ Manager/ Asst. Hospital Administrator/ Administrator in a government, semi-government, corporate or charitable hospital or other healthcare organizations. MHA graduates are capable of dealing with finance, marketing and operations relevant to the healthcare industry.

With this MHA program, you will be able to:

  1. 1. Demonstrate adequate knowledge of concepts, techniques, functions relevant to hospital administration
  2. 2. Manage administrative/ operational issues in various departments of hospitals and other healthcare organizations
  3. 3. Formulate, assess and implement plans or ideas in hospitals
  4. 4. Communicate effectively with all stakeholders in the hospital/ healthcare system
  5. 5. Develop professionalism through an ethical, responsive and accountable attitude towards work
  6. 6. Demonstrate leadership qualities
  7. 7. Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of Hospital administration practice
  8. 8. Engage in effective oral and written communication
  9. 9. Effectively contribute as an individual or team member in Research & Development
  10. 10. Efficiently comprehend & design scientific documentation, write case studies, research projects, make presentation, and communicate
  11. 11. Understand and commit to professional & research ethics, and responsibilities

Upon successful completion of the MHA program, students are capable of dealing with operations, quality management, planning, finance, marketing, issues related to hospitals and healthcare industry.


Employment Opportunities

Employment prospects in public and private hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, medical research institutes, day care facilities, healthcare consulting organizations, health insurance companies, health care IT sector, NGOs, healthcare marketing firms, global health organizations, academics and research.

Job roles from executives to managers in hospital quality and operations, healthcare facility planners, hospital department specific managers/ coordinators, hospital managers/administrators/ directors and healthcare consultants; in public, private or non-government organizations.


Name: Dr Prof. A. K. Deorari

Designation: Principal

Name: Dr (Brig) RS Saini (RETD)

Designation: HOD & Associate Professor

Name: Shweta SAMANT

Designation: Assistance Professor

Name: Dr (Brig) DC Joshi(Retd)

Designation: Associate Professor

Name: Professor (Dr) Hem Chandra

Designation: Visiting Professor