Over 150 patients benefitted, received treatment for cervical, frozen shoulder, neck, shoulder and knee ailments

A six-day Yoga Therapy Health Camp was held at the Himalayan Hospital Jollygrant from 29th May to 3rd June 2023. Registration and health consultation was completely free for the patients coming to the health camp. More than 150 patients benefitted from the camp.

Dr. Ajay Dubey, Principal, Himalayan School of Yoga Sciences (HSYS) stated that coming 21st June is International Yoga Day. The camp was organised as a countdown to the big day.

In this series a six-day special yoga health camp was conducted from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Patients coming to the Yoga OPD were provided health treatment at the Combined Therapy Center of the Himalayan Hospital as per their requirement. For any kind of information related to health issues patients may contact 01352471137, 8871138001.