On the occasion of one of the most esteemed traditional festivals of Uttarakhand, Harela, the "Go Green Campus" campaign was reinforced at Swami Ram Himalayan University (SRHU), Jollygrant.

Around 100 plants of Jamun, Litchi, Amla, Pipal, Haldi, Amaltas, Lagerstroemia, Gulmohar, and other variety of trees were planted in the already verdant varsity campus.

On Monday, the plantation drive was conducted in the sprawling SRHU campus. Chancellor Dr. Vijay Dhasmana said in his special message that Harela festival is a symbol of ‘nature worship’ and ‘environmental conservation.’ “Only if the environment remains protected, the existence of the human race will be ensured,” he reiterated.

Dr. Dhasmana added that, “The Harela festival also connects the younger generation to its roots. Today's youth is gradually forgetting the old festivals, but the Harela festival is working to connect them to their valuable heritage. If such festivals are celebrated with thoughtfulness, belief and conviction, the youth will certainly understand the importance of their ancestral wealth including ceremonies and festivals.”

Dr. Vijendra Chauhan and Dr. Prakash Keshaviah jointly inaugurated the plantation campaign. They invited all members of the university family to understand environmental conservation and cleanliness as their fundamental duty and also create awareness among others.

On this occasion, other dignitaries present were Dr. Sushila Sharma, B. Maithili, Estate Officer Amarendra Kumar, Roshan Naugai, Dr. RS Saini, Dr. Vineet Mahrotra, Chandra Bhushan Anthwal, and others.