Mansi Gururani won first place in the extempore competition that took place at Swami Rama Himalayan University on April 4, 2024. In the competition, students displayed their outstanding public speaking abilities. The students showed a lot of passion for the competition, which was conducted in the Engineering College auditorium. The competing students skilfully made their points on the assigned topics during the competition. Mansi Bajaj from the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) took second place in the competition, followed by Karuna Dean from the Himalayan College of Nursing in third. Mansi Gururani from the Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences won first place.
Dr. Rajendra Dobhal, the Vice-Chancellor of Swami Rama Himalayan University, congratulated and recognized the winners and urged them to take part in similar events in the future. He said that in addition to their academic education, students needed to develop public speaking skills in the competitive world of today. He added that arranging contests such as extempore helps students gain confidence and expand their knowledge in a variety of subjects. Dr. Seema Madhok and Saurabh Verma from CPACE informed that participants were from the university's colleges of Medical, Nursing, Engineering, Yoga Science, Bioscience, Management, and Pharmacy. Seventy students in all took part in the competition. The successful execution