Himalayan College of Nursing observes World Schizophrenia Day

On the occasion of World Schizophrenia Day, the Mental Health Nursing Department of Himalayan College of Nursing organized a Seminar on the theme “Connecting with Hope” on 25th May 2022. It was underlined on the day that ‘unashamed conversation’ relating to mental health can majorly help in managing it.

The seminar was graced by the presence of Dr Sanchita Pugazhendi, Principal, Himalayan College of Nursing as the Chief Guest, along with the HODs of various departments of Himalayan College of Nursing.

The seminar commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the Chief Guest along with other dignitaries and recital of Guru Vandana by the student nurses, which was followed by the delivery of welcome address by J Manoranjini, Faculty, Mental Health Nursing Department. It was emphasized on the day that mental health was as important as physical health.

During the address by the chief guest, Dr Sanchita Pugazhendi highlighted the importance of nurses in managing patients with schizophrenia and also emphasized creating awareness in the community about it, as the disorder had a great impact on patients and on the caregivers as well.

Dr. Grace M. Singh, HoD, Mental Health Nursing Dept, highlighted the main focus of the seminar - to sensitize student nurses and instill hope in the caregivers and also the patients suffering from schizophrenia that they can lead a normal life provided they take proper treatment for it, adopt a healthy lifestyle, attend rehabilitation & awareness programs in community which will build hope in dealing proactively with schizophrenia and with this we can connect the issue of mental health with assurance of healing.

The seminar covered the topics of Schizophrenia risk factors, genetic factors, maternal factors, alteration in neurotransmitters and viral infection and pathophysiology, its symptomatology and importance of giving hope to patients and their relatives.

The seminar was conducted by students of M.Sc. Nursing of the Mental Health Department under the supervision of the faculty of Mental Health Nursing Department, Sandhya Negi, Jayant Gideon and Krishan Mohan.

Principal, Himalayan College of Nursing
Nursing students attending the seminar
Schizophrenia risk factors & genetic factors

Report of visiting students of University of Wisconsin, USA

Report on Visit of Nursing Students of University of Wisconsin, USA

Seventeen Nursing students accompanied by one teacher from Oshkosh College of Nursing, University of Wisconsin (USA) visited Himalayan College of Nursing, Swami Rama Himalayan University Campus from January 8, 2019 to January 15, 2019. Main objective of their visit was to spread awareness on health and hygiene, sanitation, body posture, personality and manners among public including primary school students of rural areas of Doiwala Block.

Faculty of Community Health Nursing Department along with UG & PG students of Himalayan College of Nursing accompanied them during the visit. They visited PHC/ CHC/ Sub Center and schools of Bullawala, Thano, Badasi & Bhogpur community area where they provided Health Education on Dental hygiene and hand washing through puppet show and various models.Doctors at PHC in community area educated the students of Oshkosh University about AYUSH, Health system by Uttarakhand Government and Cold Chain Vaccines system.Students of Himalayan College of Nursing gave a nutritional demonstration by preparing therapeutic diet (Khichdi) for the patient in Thano village. Students of University of Wisconsin accompanied students of  Himalayan College of Nursing while performing various home procedures like monitoring of Blood Pressure & Blood sugar of community people.

Apart from visit to community areas they also visited Ayurveda Centre, Cancer Research Institute, Rural Development Institute& Swami Rama Centre of SRHU Campus where they got oriented to the various activities performed at these areas. They also interacted with students and faculty of Himalayan College of Nursing and exchanged their views on Nursing Education, Nursing Practice and Nursing Research.

The visit helped students of both the universities to expand their knowledge and perceptive regarding Nursing at larger interest of welfare population of both countries.