HCN Orientation Program, Himalayan College of Nursing (HCN)

HCN Orientation Program, Himalayan College of Nursing (HCN)

An orientation program was organized for the newly enrolled students in Himalayan College of Nursing (HCN), Jollygrant. Approximately 160 candidates, including their parents, attended the program.

On Monday, an orientation program was held at the Nursing College's auditorium at Swami Rama Himalayan University (SRHU) campus. The event was attended by students enrolling in B.Sc. Nursing, Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc. Nursing, and Nurse Practitioner Critical Care (NPCC) programs. The chief guest at the program, Vice Chancellor Dr. Vijay Dhasmana, stated that the founder's intention behind establishing the institution and Nursing College was to serve the people of Uttarakhand and nearby states. He emphasized that students should view nursing not as a mere career opportunity but a divine calling.

The program commenced with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp in front of the portrait of the founder, Dr. Swami Rama.

Dr. Rajendra Dobhal, Vice Chancellor, urged the students not to be afraid of hard work, as it is essential for success. He mentioned that the university's focus will always be on the overall development of the students.

Nursing Advisor, Dr. Cathy, shed light on the significance of nursing and yoga. She pointed out that in the current era, candidates often experience high mental stress. Therefore, SRHU offers stress management classes through yoga and meditation.

Principal, Dr. Sanchita Pugajandi, provided information about the nursing courses. Vice Principal, Dr. Kamli Prakash, welcomed the new students and their parents. During the event, Director General - Academic Development, Dr. Vijendra Chauhan, Dr. Ashok Deorari, and others were present.

The program was conducted by Preeti Prabha.

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma provided information on faculty, Krishna Mohan on Anti-Ragging while Harleen Kaur presented the Vote of Thanks.

Workshop ‘Health Care Quality and Patient Safety’

Workshop dedicated to learning and practice for ‘Health Care Quality and Patient Safety’ held at Swami Rama Himalayan University

Patient safety is a health care discipline that has greatly evolved and gained in complexity in health care systems. The rising incidence of patient harm in the context of health care facilities needs urgent attention.

In light of the above a workshop was organised on 27th July 2013, by the faculty members and PG students of HCN, Swami Rama Himalayan University. The theme in focus was ‘Health Care Quality and Patient Safety’ to enhance and update knowledge collaboratively with special reference to nursing education and nursing service to improve the health care quality and patient safety.

The programme started with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp in the Nursing Auditorium.

Dr Sanchita Pugazendi, Principal HCN, Chief Guest Dr SL Jethani CMS Himalayan Hospital, Swami Rama Himalayan University and other dignitaries added might to the event by sharing their experience. Their words of wisdom aimed to highlight the evidence available on patient safety for the knowledge of health professionals.

Different speakers, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, addressed the various information sessions.

Upma George, programme coordinator explained the significance of the topic under discussion.

Dr Kanchan Bala, Joint coordinator of the programme and chief infection control nurse explained in detail the importance of infection control in health care for early recovery.

Vaibhav Badoni, assistant manager quality control Himalayan Hospital focused on quality improvement for productivity in a health setting.

UG Students participated in role-play on the theme in hand.

The valedictory session was held from 3.30 to 4.30 wherein Dr Pugazendi, Principal and Chairperson addressed the gathering.

Others present during the session were Laxmi Kumar, DY Sorti, J Manoranjini, UG and PG students.

Entrance Examination for admission to 145 seats of B.Sc Nursing held at Himalayan College of Nursing

Entrance Examination for admission to 145 seats of B.Sc Nursing held at Himalayan College of Nursing

Results will be declared on June 24, first counseling on July 03

Himalayan College of Nursing (HCN), Jollygrant concluded the entrance exam for B.Sc Nursing. The entrance exam was conducted for 145 seats of B.Sc Nursing.

Principal Dr. Sanchita Pugazhendi informed that Himalayan College of Nursing (HCN) Jollygrant conducted B.Sc Nursing Entrance Exam-2023. Hundreds of candidates had registered for the entrance exam.

Tremendous enthusiasm was seen amongst the candidates for the entrance examination. Strict security arrangements were made by the university administration in the Himalayan College of Nursing to make the entrance examination full proof, fair and cheating-free.

Principal Dr. Sanchita Pugazhendi said that the result of the entrance examination would be declared on coming June 24.

The process of counseling for admission will be started on the basis of examination results on July 3 and 4.