Himalayan School of Yoga Sciences (HSYS)
The programs at HSYS are designed to develop an in-depth understanding of fundamental and applied scientific concepts and methods of Yoga Science and allied Science that deal with the Preventive, Curative and Management aspects of Holistic Health.
Students have an opportunity to develop skills to investigate health issues & analyze data, critically evaluate information, undertake yoga practical laboratory investigation, and apply scientific thought. In addition, students can choose to pursue research to understand and promote integration of ancient sciences of healing with modern medicine.
The program will also enable students to develop understanding about traditional knowledge of Yoga Science in relevance with personal and social life for a healthy and wealthy living. Moreover, students will develop an awareness of social ethics and moral values in the society.
B.Sc. Yoga Science and Holistic Health
With this B.Sc. in Yoga Science and Holistic Health program, you will be able to:
- 1. Attain deep understanding of various fields of Yoga
- 2. Develop an in-depth understanding of fundamental and applied scientific concepts, methods of yoga science & allied sciences
- 3. Understand and apply knowledge of preventive, curative and management aspects of holistic health
- 4. Undertake laboratory investigation, analyze data, critically evaluate information, apply scientific thought, identify and Investigate health issues
- 5. Conduct practical sessions for yoga
- 6. Develop understanding about traditional knowledge of Yoga Science in relevance with personal and social life for a healthy living
- 7. Demonstrate basic skills associated with yoga activities including strength and flexibility, balance and coordination
- 8. Elaborate proficiency in teaching skills of Yoga
- 9. Understand and commit to professional & social ethics, responsibilities and norms of yoga practice in the society
Employment Opportunities
Opportunities are available in Educational Institutes, Resorts, Hospitals, Spa Centers, Yoga Centers, Sports Centers, Community Health Clubs, Health Centers, AYUSH sector etc.
Job are available as Yoga Instructor / Therapist in health centers, hospitals, medical sector, AYUSH sector. You could also take up the role of Yoga Teacher in the villages, schools, colleges / Visiting yoga guide / instructor to spiritual organizations and /or Open their own Yoga Centers / Yoga Studio
M.Sc. Yoga Sciences
With this Master program, you will be able to:
- 1. Cultivate philosophical and therapeutic knowledge of yoga
- 2. Learn yogic techniques for the prevention and treatment of somatic, psychosomatic and psychological illness.
- 3. Pursue research to understand and promote integration of ancient sciences of healing with modern medicine
- 4. Teach yoga to the students in schools and colleges and to the interested public of all age groups.
- 5. Provide students with the knowledge and skill base that would enable them to undertake further studies in Yoga and related areas or in multidisciplinary areas that involve Yoga
- 6. Help develop a range of generic skills that are relevant to wage employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship
- 7. Develop the ability to work as Health care professional and paramedical person with holistic vision
- 8. Commit to professional & social ethics, responsibilities and norms of yoga practice in the society
Employment Opportunities
Opportunities are available in Educational Institutes, Resorts, Hospitals, Spa Centers, Yoga Centers, Sports Centers, Community Health Clubs, Health Centers, AYUSH sector etc.
Job are available as Yoga Instructor / Therapist in health centers, hospitals, medical sector, AYUSH sector. You could also take up the role of Yoga Teacher in the villages, schools, colleges / Visiting yoga guide / instructor to spiritual organizations and /or Open their own Yoga Centers / Yoga Studio
PG Diploma Yoga Science
With this PG Diploma Yoga Science program, you will be able to:
- 1. Attain deep understanding of various fields of Yoga
- 2. Develop an in-depth understanding of fundamental and applied scientific concepts, methods of yoga science & allied sciences
- 3. Understand and apply knowledge of preventive, curative and management aspects of holistic health
- 4. Conduct practical sessions for yoga
- 5. Develop understanding about traditional knowledge of Yoga Science in relevance with personal and social life for a healthy living
- 6. Demonstrate basic skills associated with yoga activities including strength and flexibility, balance and coordination
- 7. Elaborate proficiency in teaching skills of Yoga
Understand and commit to professional & social ethics, responsibilities and norms of yoga
Employment Opportunities
Opportunities are available in Educational Institutes, Resorts, Hospitals, Spa Centers, Yoga Centers, Sports Centers, Community Health Clubs, Health Centers, AYUSH sector etc.
Job roles available are of Yoga Instructor, Yoga Trainer, Guest Faculty, Gym Manager-cum-Instructor, Consultant Yoga Therapist, Teacher/Private Tutor, Yoga Therapist, Yoga Organizer, etc.

Name: Dr. Subodh Saurabh Singh
Qualification: M.Sc. Yogic Science & Holistic Health & UGC-NET Qualified, Ph.D. Yoga from Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Satna, M.P.
Designation: Officiating Principal
Total Experience: 14 years (Yoga Education & Yoga Research)
Special Interest: Yoga Therapy, Research
Members: Indian Yoga Association & AWGP
Publication: 12, Book Chapter: 02, Book: 1
Patents: More than 16 Patents
Ph.D. Supervisor: 03 Ph.D. Degree Awarded

Name: Dr. Ajay Dubey
Qualification: Ph. D. Yoga Science & UGC NET (Dr. Harisingh Gaur Central University, Sagar M. P.)
Designation: Associate Professor
Total Experience: 20 years (Academic, Administrative & Corporate)
Special Interest: Yoga Therapy, Research, Training and Classical Yoga Practices
Members: Administrative and Academic bodies of Govt. of India, State Universities in different states of India and Private Universities/Institutes.
Awards: “Shikshak Samman” by Hon’ble Minister of Higher education in Govt. of M. P.
Publication: 13, Book/Book Chapter: 20

Name: Dr. Somlata Jha
Qualification: Ph.D Yoga Science (Dev Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya,Haridwar) & UGC NET
Designation: Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 24 years in administration and academics.
Special Interest: Yoga Science ,Yoga Philosophy and Yoga Research.
Publication: 15, Book:05,Book Chapter-01
Member: Indian Yoga Association, Akhil bhartiya Yoga Shikshak Mahasangh.
Award: Yoga Icon Award by Times of India and ONGC, Teacher of The Year award by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand , International Yoga Prime award by Indian Yoga Therapist Association

Name: Dr. Anvita Singh
Qualification: MD(Alternative Medicine), PhD Yoga and Rehabilitaion (King George’s Medical University, Lucknow), Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
Designation: Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 12.5 years
Special Interest: Medical Yoga and Clinical Yoga Research
Publication: 05
Awards: National Yoga Promotion and Research Award (March 2018)
Fellowship in Palliative care in AYUSH medicine, SGRD University of Medical sciences

Name: Dr. Mala Tripathi
Qualification: M.Sc. Yogic Science & Holistic Health, M.Sc. Zoology, B.Ed., UGC-NET Qualified & Ph.D. Yoga from Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Satna, M.P.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 12 years (Yoga Education & Yoga Research)
Special Interest: Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Therapy & Yoga Research
Members: Indian Yoga Association & AWGP
Publication: 13, Book Chapter: 01 , Book : 1
Patents: 18
Ph.D. Supervisor: 03 Ph.D. Degree Awarded

Name: Dr. Ankit Sharma
Qualification: Ph.D
Designation: Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 06
Special Interest: Yoga Philosophy, Tantra Philosophy, Hath Yoga, Naad Yoga.
Publication: 10, Book Chapter- 02
Yoga Model: 1 Books
Member: Akhil bhartiya Yoga Shikshak Mahasangh.
Award: Best Yoga Researcher award by Indian Yoga Therapist Association

Name: Mr. Rahul Baluni
Qualification: Masters in Yoga Science (Uttarakhand Sanskrit University), Masters in Sociology (Uttarakhand Open University)
Designation: Lecturer
Total Experience: 13 years (Research & Teaching)
Special Interest: Himalayan Tradition Teaching by Swami Rama, Yoga Therapy, Meditation
Publication: 09, Books - 1
Yoga Model: 2 Books
Member: Akhil bhartiya Yoga Shikshak Mahasangh.
Award: Yoga Icon Award by Times of India & ONGC, International Yoga Prime award by Indian Yoga Therapist Association

Name: Dr. Saloni Malik
Qualification: Ph. D. Yoga Science (AIIMS Rishikesh) & UGC NET
Designation: Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 4 years (Research, Academic, Administrative)
Special Interest: Yoga Therapy, Research
Members: IYA, Reviewer in Elsevier journals
Publication: 21

Name: Mr. Rajesh Patel
Qualification: M.A. in yoga science & UGC-NET
Designation: Yoga Instructor
Total Experience: 2 years (academic & Administrative)
Special Interest: Yoga Philosophy, Hatha Yoga, Scientific Research In Yoga
Awards: Gold medal in yogasana sports championship, Sagar district

Name: Mr. Vijendra Dwivedi
Qualification: Master in yoga science
Designation: yoga instructor
Total Experience: 8 years (3 years Abroad (Indonesia, Malaysia, China , etc/ 5 years India )
Specialised - YogaPhilosophy,Traditional Hatha Yoga Astanga Vinyasa, Iyanger yoga ,Meditation Satkram & All kind of yoga practical form
Achievements: District yoga champion State Yoga Champion, All India Yoga Sports Champion
Awards: IIIT,Roorkee(Thomson )Award
Best coach award , Indonesia Bali yoga Award

Name: Ms. Neelam Rawat
Qualification: Master in yoga science
Designation: Yoga Instructor
Total Experience: 4 years
Specialised: Traditional Hatha yoga, Astanga vinyasa

Name: Anuradha sharma
Qualification: Masters in Yoga science
Designation: Yoga Instructor
Total Experience: 2 years of teaching
Specialied: Traditional Hatha Yoga ,Iyanger yoga , Pranayama and meditation

Name: Ms. Pooja Joshi Thapliyal
Qualification: Masters in Yoga Science (Uttarakhand Sanskrit University), RYT - 200 hours USA Yoga alliance
Designation: Yoga Instructor
Total Experience: 6 years (India), 2 years (China)
Special Interest: Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Flow Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Meditation & Pranayama
Awards: Silver medal in district yoga championship