Independence Day Celebrated with verve and patriotic fervour at SRHU

On the occasion of the 77th Independence Day, students presented a captivating show

The 77th Independence Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Swami Rama Himalayan University (SRHU), Jollygrant. On this occasion, Chancellor Dr. Vijay Dhasmana invited everyone present at the event to contribute their full efforts towards the progress and development of the nation.

Dr. Dhasmana paid homage to the brave soldiers and martyrs by offering floral tributes at the 'Wall of Valor' within the university campus. He then hoisted the flag at a formal gathering of students, faculty and other staff. In his special speech to commemorate the 77th Independence day, Dr. Vijay Dhasmana mentioned that freedom does not merely mean taking a breath of fresh air. Freedom is an awareness of our duties and responsibilities towards our citizens and the nation. It is about preserving the freedom achieved through the sacrifices of our martyrs and freedom fighters.

He further emphasized that if we want to eradicate corruption from the country, we need to be honest in our work. We should perform our tasks with true dedication, so that we can contribute to the progress of the nation. On this occasion, University Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rajendra Dobhal; Director General - Academic Development, Dr. Virendra Chauhan; Dr. Renu Dhasmana; Registrar Dr. Sushila Sharma, and Chief Medical Superintendent Dr. E.S.L. Jethani, along with all university officials and staff, were present.