Partition Horror Memorial Day observed at SRHU
A Four-day exhibition relating to the memories of the partition was unveiled at Swami Rama Himalayan University, Jollygrant.
On display were posters depicting information on the atrocities and gruesomeness of the partition that thousands suffered. Countless memories of the partition are depicted through pictures at the exhibition.
Dr. Vijay Dhasmana, Vice Chancellor, SRHU, inaugurated the aforementioned special photo exhibition dedicated to 'Vibhajan Vibhishika Smriti Diwas.' Dr. Dhasmana stated that during the partition of India about 5 to 10 lakh people died.This partition also led to the painful incident of migration of millions of people. In memory of these, the Government of India has announced that henceforth 14 August would be celebrated as Partition Vibhishika Memorial Day.
Through this exhibition the present generations are being made aware of the horrors of partition. The purpose behind celebrating this day is also that people should understand and know that millions of our people had to sacrifice their lives for freedom. Dr. Dhasmana said that the exhibition is being organized till August 15.
Present on the occasion were faculty members and students of Swami Rama Himalayan University.