‘Times Inspire’ was an exemplar event that kept the young audience mesmerized by the gravity as well as simplicity of ‘Life Lessons’ presented by the speakers.

Amongst the distinguished speakers was Chancellor, Swami Rama Himalayan University, Dr Vijay Dhasmana.

Creative use of Emotions and Four Primitive Fountains was the title of his presentation delivered at Doon International School on 12th May 2023.

Dr Vijay Dhasmana’s motivational talk had the mastery to instill deeper consciousness, comprehension and assimilation in the minds of the young audience.

Dr Dhasmana touched the pulse of the students and accordingly had significant things to share with them. His presentation emphasized that humans are not body alone but also have a mind. And it is the mind that is the root of all problems. Everything is created in the mind.

The brain he said is like a bulb and mind is the electricity, and it is important to control this flow of electricity. It is the mind that creates bondages. “Eighty percent of diseases are psychosomatic and originate in the mind. And mind is like a horse without reins and needs to be controlled rationally. It is important for children to keep the mind focused and in control,” he explained.

“We all are spiritual and have a consciousness and spirit, but are not enlightened and therefore are not able to cope with the pressures of life. Almost 40 percent of the students have emotional issues. These can be dealt with if they learn and practice to control the mind from within and keep it on the right track,” he asserted.

Humans have the power of discrimination. They can choose what is right and wrong. This is what differentiates them from animals. We have self-control, which we must learn to use. And herein he introduced the idea of ‘The Four Primitive Fountains’ as guiding light, i.e. Food, Sleep, Sex and Fear (Four Fs). Sleep is important. In sleep the mind gets charged. If mind is not charged the body is useless. There are certain hormones that the body generates in sleep. It also depends on food. “Don’t disrupt your sleep and create hormonal imbalance, you will harm yourself,” was his sound advise to students.

“We have hardly tried to understand our sexuality in a scientific manner. It can create havoc in our lives. Fear is another aspect that can ruin our lives, “ he underlined. “Putin feared that Ukraine is becoming a part of NATO. Ukraine was scared that Russia might gobble it. Just like a Fountain has a regulator we have a regulator for the Four Fs. We can deal with these emotions that are rooted in the Four Fs mentioned above,” he declared. “Our emotions are a product of the Four Fs and have an influence on our thinking pattern.”

“Key is in our hands. With positive emotions we can become divine. We are all responsible for our thinking pattern and actions. Don’t blame others. We all are unique and need to balance the Four Fs. Look within to find all your answers and to deal with your emotions. Because we do not look within our lives are chaotic,” he underlined.