Himalayan School of Science and Technology organize Induction ceremony
Himalayan School of Science and Technology, Engineering college in Dehradun organized the Induction Programme for the newly admitted students to BCA, B.Tech, B.Sc. Data Science and MCA for the academic session 2022-23 from 12th September, 2022 to 14th September 2022.
Dr R. C. Ramola, Principal,HSST delivered the welcome address. He welcomed the students and acquainted them with the general code of conduct expected of students at the university level. He inspired the students to remain motivated and achieve their professional goals.
Dr. Manish Prateek held orientation session with students. He reflected on the importance of Curricular, co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities to turn a learner into a professional. He spoke on subdomains of knowledge and inspired students to maintain self-discipline in order to succeed.
On the first day, Mr. R. Hari Ramasubramanian. Leader, Business Development and Academia Relationship for IBM System’s University Initiative for India conducted a session on IBM and its collaboration with Swami Rama Himalayan University in offering programs at Under Graduate level in Computer Science and Engineering. He familiarized the students with the latest and emerging trends in industry.
Dr. Ashish Kumar gave a presentation on a brief account of academic processes adopted at Himalayan School of Science and Technology. Students were familiarized with the basic terminology used in academics. Also, due focus was given on the explanation of course wise registration, attendance policy, credit calculation, stipulated duration of the program, promotion policy, academic calendar, student mentorship etc.
The sessions were intervened by a group activity by Mr. Ashish Gupta based on psychometric analysis to discover learner types.
Post lunch, there was a session on Faculty Introduction to new students, The faculty members from Computer Science Department and Applied sciences and Humanities introduced themselves to students. Towards the end of the first day of Induction, students were taken for campus visit to make them familiar with their campus.
On the second day of the Induction Programme, Dr. Vivek Katiyar delivered a session on the process of Examination system adopted at SRHU highlighting the processes of Internal and External assessment, calculation of composite scores and grading system.
A session on English Language and Communication Skills was conducted by Dr. Seema Madhok. She dwelled upon the meaning and importance of communication skills through a students’ activity based on communication. She asserted the importance of LSRW Skills for effective communication.
Mr. Ashish Gupta conducted a session with students with the objective to understand Communication Model through an activity termed ‘Communication Oragamy’.
After lunch, Mr. Dalbeer Singh and Mr. Farhan Khan from Placement Department interacted with students. They made the students familiar with placement activities, drives conducted, and assistance and support extended to students for successful placements.
Students were carried through a wide array of activities organized in Himalayan School of Science and Technology through a video compiled and presented by Mr Gaurav Sharma.
Day three was opened by a session from Dr. A. K. Choudhary on the ‘Environmental responsibilities & Sustainability’. He interacted with the newly admitted students on environmental issues and sensitized them towards environmental responsibilities. He also brief about the importance of sustainable use of natural resources and the role of an individual in attaining sustainability.
Ms. Tirthajani Panda delivered sessions on Gender sensitization and Professional Ethics. She familiarized students on gender stereotypes and gender roles as observed in our society. In her talk on professional ethics she focused on work ethics and goal setting.
Dr. Malini Srivastava, HOD, Clinical Psychology conducted a session on Human Psychology and behavior. She spoke about the factors that influence our psychology and behavior. She stressed on keeping realistic expectation, observing self-discipline and developing efficacy by practicing their skills.
The day ended with a fun-filled activity on Tower Making with newspapers, the objective of the activity was to inculcate the skill of problem solving among students.