Psychiatric illness is a major contributor to human suffering. A large number of persons are suffering from depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy and may commit suicide. We are aware of these shifting trends of morbidity and mortality in humans and the changing need to gear up to face the challenges. The Under-graduate (MBBS) students in the institute during their career go through lectures on various aspects of Psychiatry and undergo clinical exposure.
As a post graduate (MD-Psychiatry) student, they are trained to provide clinical services in the daily Outpatients Department (about 27,000 patients attend per annum), offer inpatients care (30 beds - about 350 admissions in a year) and emergency/casualty service. One senior resident and one consultant are available for guidance and supervision.
In addition, the department of Psychiatry runs various speciality services in the form of speciality clinics like Community Psychiatry clinic, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry clinic, De-addiction clinic, Sleep Disorder clinic, Geriatric Psychiatry clinic (includes memory clinic and Neuropsychiatry clinic).
The students are exposed to various clinical facets, laboratory investigation, and technological advancements in the field viz. video synchronized Level I polysomnography, overnight attended manual CPAP/Bi-PAP titration, extended montage for movement disorder, screening of drugs of abuse in body fluids and various biochemical tests to assess health damage including neuro-imaging.
The training programme is comprehensive and covers all the major and minor psychiatric illness including super speciality branch of psychiatry. The training is supervised and monitored and the students interact with the faculty closely and on day to day basis. Besides these, the students regularly hold Seminars, Book Reviews, Group Discussions, Journal Presentations, Research Fora, Thesis Presentations and Case Conferences. The environment in the department is friendly and conducive to learning.
Other clinical facilities available in the department are: EEG monitored modified ECT, Community Psychiatry help-line, Family Counselling, Biofeedback, Psychometric assessment, Psychotherapy and Counselling. Finally, the department/University provides ample opportunity to interact with allied disciplines related to brain and behaviour.

Qualifications : MBBS, DPM, MD (Psychiatry)
Designation : Professor & Head
Teaching Experience : 40 years
Publications : 06
Special Interest : Community Psychiatry, Psychoanalytical, Psychotherapy, Personality Disorders
Awards : WHO fellowship In IOWA ,USA.
PRESIDENT IPS Assam state branch.

Qualifications : MBBS, M.D., D.P.M.
Designation : Professor
Teaching Experience : 16 years
Publications : 40
Special Interest : Forensic Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry, Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder
Awards : Multiple Awards

Qualifications : MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)
Designation : Associate Professor
Teaching Experience : 06 + year
Publications : 25
Special Interest : Neuropsychiatry, Child Psychiatry, Addiction Medication, Sexual Disorders
Awards : Multiple Awards

Qualifications : MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)
Designation : Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience : 02 Year Senior Residency
Publications : 04
Special Interest : Biological Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology, Bipolar Disorder